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Christmas decorating Safety tips

By November 30, 2018 Uncategorized

  As we are getting our homes decorated for Christmas, keep in mind the hidden dangers that decorations could have on our curious pets. Here are some ideas that can help prevent problems so that your holiday is a happy one for all.

 Give some thought to where you want to place plants such as mistletoe or poinsettias. These plants are toxic so keep them out of reach of curious, nibbling cats and dogs.  For pets a Christmas tree resembles a giant toy rack. Only use unbreakable ornaments. Cats like to climb trees, so make sure it is secure.  In addition cats like to bat at anything dangling or ingest things like ribbon or tinsel, which may not pass through their intestinal tract.

 Electrical cords should be concealed, so it cannot become a chew toy for your dog. If you have a real Christmas tree, make sure that the water is not accessible to your pet. There are toxins in the water that make it unsafe to drink.

Lit candles may also entice our pets which may result in serious burns or even a fire within the house. Avoid placing candles in areas that are easily accessible to your pet.

It’s a good idea to have your veterinarians’ phone number easily accessible in case of any emergency.

From all of us at the Vernon Veterinary Clinic: “Merry Christmas”.

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