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Remembrance Day tribute to dogs

By November 9, 2018 Uncategorized

Alongside our brave soldiers, dogs have played a significant role in war. These canine companions have protected and saved numerous soldiers’ lives.

One of our Canadian War Hero’s is “Gander”. “Gander” a Newfoundland cross was acquired as a mascot for the Royal Rifles stationed in Gander, NewFoundland.

In 1941 the Royal Rifles along with “Gander” were deployed to defend Hong Kong Island. During an attack “Gander” picked up a grenade that had landed next to a group of soldiers and carried it away. The grenade exploded, instantly killing “Gander”. Because of this heroic act “Gander” was awarded the “Dickin Award” which is the animal version of the Victoria Cross posthumously October 27/2000.

On November 11 as we honour those that have given their lives for our wonderful country,  let us not forget   their four legged comrades.

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