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Are Tennis balls a dangerous toy for your dog?

By June 9, 2016 Uncategorized


Tennis balls are one of the most commonly utilized dog toys out there, but are they necessarily the best choice? There are several concerns with using tennis balls as toys for your dog.

  • Choking hazard- For those over rambunctious, in the air retrievers, the ball may lodge in the throat.
  • Dental concerns- The nylon fibers surrounding the ball act like a scouring pad, irritating the gums and wearing down the enamel.
  • Intestinal blockage-Dogs that destroy the ball ingest small pieces which may cause an intestinal blockage necessitating surgery.
  • Ingesting harmful chemicals- Tennis balls are not meant to go into a mouth. Do we know the ramifications of chemicals used in the glue or the outer shell dye?

When considering purchasing a ball for your dog choose ones made of sturdy, hard  rubber or one that is specifically designed for dogs.

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